5 great things to do in Daugavpils Region

So you’ve read my article about the 5 reasons to visit Daugavpils, explored everything there and you want some more. That’s when this article comes in handy.

The region surrounding Daugavpils is amazing. There’s nature, there’s history, there’s fun. To my surprise, exploring it was an extremely interesting experience, I had an awesome time. And I want to share it with you. 

So here are 5 great things to do in Daugavpils Region. 

1. Chervonka Manor

daugavpils region

Website: https://www.visitdaugavpils.lv/en/turisma-objekts/cervonkas-vecsalienas-muizas-pils/

Why: Daugavpils region is a land of manors. Chervonka is its most precious jewel. With intriguing Neo-Gothic architecture and magnificent park that surrounds it, this manor is one of the most beautiful sights of the region. More fit for an English landscape than Latvian countryside, Chervonka is an amazing idea for a weekend trip.

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daugavpils region

2. Silene Resort & Spa

daugavpils region

Website: http://www.silene.lv/

Why: alpacas wandering freely, superb untouched nature, placid lake, a top-notch restaurant and a mini-zoo, Silene is the place you want to come to unwind from the bustle of city life.

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Sile Lake panorama
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daugavpils region
How can you resist these cuties?
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The restaurant has a spectacular terrace

3. JuRita mini Zoo

daugavpils region

Website: https://www.facebook.com/juritaminizoo/

Why: if you like animals you can’t miss this place. It’s a zoo set in the wild with spacious areas for furry friends. Also, it’s full of animal contact, you can feed the donkeys, horses, alpacas, llamas, rabbits and even cuddle them if they are in the mood. Perfect place both for adults and children and one of the highlights of my Daugavpils trip.

4. Sventes muiža

daugavpils region

Website: http://www.sventehotel.lv/

Why: sometimes you just want to stay in a manor. Sventes muiža exists for such cravings. Set in a renovated palatial dwelling of the past, it offers a high-class accommodation with a luxurious restaurant by the pond. Beautiful garden for long walks, jacuzzi and sauna to recharge and a swimming pool to enjoy yourself all can be found here.

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5. Museum of Military Vehicles

daugavpils region

Website: https://www.visitdaugavpils.lv/en/turisma-objekts/the-military-vehicle-museum/

Why: if you have a thing for all WW2 memorabilia, the Museum of Military Vehicles near Sventes manor is a must. Tanks, military transport vehicles, combat vehicles, all are there for you to explore. Quite a surprising off-the-beaten-path attraction that military buffs would be excited to visit.

The article is written as a part of cooperation with Visit Daugavpils

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