Top 5 Beautiful Churches of Kyiv, Ukraine

One of the nicknames Kyiv has got since the medieval times is “City of Golden Domes”. Being one of the most important places for all Orthodox Christians in the world, Ukrainian capital has some spectacular churches to see. Let me share with you Top 5 Beautiful Churches of Kyiv.

1. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

churches of kyiv

Amazing monastery complex protected enlisted as World Heritage by UNESCO. First cave monastery was established here in 1051. An absolute must-see in Kyiv.

2. Saint Sophia’s Cathedral

churches of kyiv

One of the main tourist attractions of Kyiv, Saint Sophia’s Cathedral is definitely worth a visit! Since the medieval times, it has been considered as one of the most beautiful Orthodox churches in the world with superb Byzantine architecture, beautiful frescoes inside and onion-shaped elegant domes.

3. Saint Andrew’s Church

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Amazing child of architectural genius of famous Bartolomeo Rastrelli (responsible for the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg), St. Andrew’s Church is an impressive Baroque masterpiece.

4. Saint Michael’s Golden-Domed Cathedral

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Completely destroyed by the Soviet government in the 1930s, it was restored to its Golden-Domed splendour in 1999 and since then has become one of the most recognisable landmarks of Kyiv.

5. Saint Cyril Church

churches of kyiv

One of Kyiv’s lesser-known sights, St. Cyril Church is one of the most beautiful churches in the whole country. Having remained almost intact since medieval times, containing superb 12th-century frescoes and paintings of Vrubel, St. Cyril Church is an underrated jewel of Kyiv churches.

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