7 best photo spots in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic

Sometimes you want to snap a perfect vacation picture. You look at all the tourist brochures, images online, and photos of your friends and get a strong need for the same flawless pic. Be it for social media purposes, for friends, or for your own enjoyment, taking a good pic is quite essential. This article is set to help you with finding the right photo spot in Český Krumlov!

Let me share with you 7 best photo spots in Český Krumlov, Czech Republic!

Spot 1: The top of the Castle Tower

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: probably one of the most beautiful panoramas you’ll see in the city. Old Town view adds to the Castle view and becomes a perfect picture setting.

Find it on the map HERE

Information about admission to the Český Krumlov Castle is HERE

Spot 2: The Castle Galleries

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: for the “Old Town through the Stone Portal” kind of pictures. To get there just go in the direction of the Castle Gardens.

Find it on the map HERE

Spot 3: Near the entrance to the Castle gardens

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: both Old Town and the Castle are seen from here so it makes it a perfect place to snap some gorgeous pictures! One of the coolest photo spots in Český Krumlov!

Find it on the map HERE

Spot 4: Terrace of the Regional Museum

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: perfect view of the Castle and the houses in the Old Town, beautiful and free viewpoint to satisfy all your Insta needs.

Find it on the map HERE

Spot 5: Radniční Street in the Old Town

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: nice street view ending with the mighty Castle Tower in the middle. One of the most picturesque photo spots in Český Krumlov!

Find it on the map HERE

Spot 6: From the bridge across the Vltava river

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: grandiose panorama of the Castle from the bottom.

Find it on the map HERE

Spot 7: Objížďková Street Panorama

photo spots in Český Krumlov

Why: magnificent view of the Old Town and the Castle and the first panorama you’ll see upon arriving to Český Krumlov by bus.

Find it on the map HERE

Check out my other articles about the Czech Republic:

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