Art Nouveau in Budapest: 11 amazing buildings (PHOTOS)

Discover 11 amazing examples of Art Nouveau in Budapest.

Budapest is an amazing city packed with sights of different eras. Having lived rich and prosperous history, the Hungarian capital is a paradise for architecture aficionados. One of the most spectacular architectural features of Budapest is the presence of Art Nouveau buildings that define the cityscape.

Here Art Nouveau took a unique turn driven by architectural geniuses like Ödön Lechner and boasting colorful tiles from the Zsolnay factory. The style took a bold, vivid turn in Budapest and many buildings have been renovated to their former glory. In other words, hunting for Art Nouveau in Budapest is a treat for any architecture lover.

1. Geological Institute

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Stefánia út 14, 1143

2. Hungarian State Treasury

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Hold u. 4, 1054

3. Museum of Applied Arts – Most Stunning Art Nouveau in Budapest

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Üllői út 33-37, 1091


4. Gresham Palace

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Széchenyi István tér 5, 1051

5. Gellert Baths

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Kelenhegyi út 4, 1118

6. Institute for the Blind

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Ajtósi Dürer sor 39

7. Török Bank House

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Szervita tér, 1052

8. Paris department store

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Andrássy út 39, 1061

9. Hungaria Bath

Art nouveau in budapest

Address: Dohány u. 42, 1074

10. Palace Hotel

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Rákóczi út, 1072

11. Hungarian Secession House

art nouveau in budapest

Address: Honvéd u.3

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2 thoughts on “Art Nouveau in Budapest: 11 amazing buildings (PHOTOS)”

  1. Hi, nice pics but I have to pick you up on the 2nd pic which may well be the “Hungarian State Treasury” today, but actually was originally built as the Postal Savings Bank (Postatakarékpénztár). Notice the ceramic bees, decorations which were representative of banks and other savings institutions.

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